Who am I?


Creative and detail-oriented visual designer with experience in producing immersive experiences for online gameplay. Adept at working on teams and collaborating with others, with a record of success in various projects as lead designer, producer, scripter, and artist. Maintains high standard of professionalism and customer service, with experience in online community moderation, education, and user support. Holds a bachelor’s in art and design (games and playable media) from the University of California, Santa Cruz.  


Software Experience: 

Game Dev Tools (Unity, Unreal, Gamemaker, Git, Twine)

Code (Javascript, C, Java, Lua) 

Audio (Audacity, Reaper)

3D Animation (Blender) 

Graphic Design (Illustrator, Photoshop)

Video (Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere Pro, iMovie)

Skills and Interests

Game Programming, Game Systems Design, Real Time Strategy, Grand Strategy, Esports and Viewability, Card Games.


My thoughts

Learn more about me (as well as the things I'm interested in!) by following my Twitter or Twitch accounts:



Contact me

You can reach me at abalaramdev@gmail.com or ajaybalaramdev@gmail.com.

                                        My LinkedIn