Rite of Conquest


A multiplayer, real time strategy game made with a three-person team as part of my senior design sequence at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Roles: Designer, Producer

Pico-8 Turn Based Tactics Maker


The Turn Based Tactics Maker was coded in Lua for the PICO-8 digital console and allows users to create, modify, save, and play their own advanced war-styled levels. This was created as part of my game engine design class. Roles: Designer, Coder

Empire Building trading card game


This trading card game was created as part of a graphic design course at University of California, Santa Cruz. The game matched the deck-building and general look of Magic: The Gathering, with some strategy game function inspired by other games, such as Paradox’s grand strategy games. Art assets were made in Illustrator. Role: Solo Project 

Kanto Adventures


Fan game designed for the University of California, Santa Cruz game mechanics class (Spring 2017). Long-form collection and battling board game designed to remedy the problems identified in the original Pokemon Master Trainer Board Game. Role: Worked on designing game systems and playtesting.

Custom Mtg Set

Some examples from my custom Magic set. This is a wedge-based set with the subservient colors being the allied pair. Created in MTG set editor. Art is not my own and for demonstrative purposes only. Role: Solo Project


This is an original board game based on the principles of Eurogames. Completed in Fall 2014. Implemented the base rules for combat and diplomacy in this new game and designed action cards and soldier cards for the game’s combat. Role: Systems Designer